Monday, January 16, 2012

HARIO Dripper V60 1 Cup

Now selling in store...
Hario V60 Transparent Dripper 1 Cup $16.95
Paper Filter White 100’s $10.95

The HARIO Dripper technique:
Insert the filter paper into the dripper.
Place the dripper over your mug.
Rinse the filter paper with near-boiling water and discard water.
Add 12g of coffee ground to a medium coarseness into the drippper.
Place the dripper over your mug.
Steadily pour water over the coffee, add just enough to saturate all the coffee and let sit for 30sec.
Steadily pour more water from the centre, with a circular motion, at a steady rate until the dripper is 3/4 full.
Extraction should take 3 minutes.